Courier Service

Fast & Affordable Same Day Pickup & Delivery

Courier Rates


0-1 KM

1-20 KM

21-40 KM

41-60 KM

61-80 KM

81+ KM






per KM & Item






per KM & Item

Inquire For a Personalized Quote

Prices are based on items 25lbs or less and 15x15x15 inches or less, anything over on regular services is subject to an additional fee of $2.00 per pound or 5 inches on any side. For priority services the fee is $4.00.

Pallet Rates


0-1 KM

1-20 KM

21-40 KM

41-60 KM

61-80 KM

81+ KM






per KM & Item






per KM & Item

Inquire For a Personalized Quote

This price is per pallet for up to 6 pallets and does not include trailer load or unload. For anything more than 6 pallets or larger than standard size please give us a call or send us an email.

Why Choose ABLP Courier Service